Pursuit of happiness song wiji
Pursuit of happiness song wiji

pursuit of happiness song wiji

Truth in Television: In fact, the real Christopher Gardner is shown in the end in a suit and tie.Taking the Kids: Christopher's wife, Linda, tries to do this, though eventually she agrees not to.Self-Made Man: Christopher Gardner becomes this.Real Life Relative: Will Smith plays Chris Gardner Sr.Rags to Riches: Chris Gardner becomes a millionaire entrepreneur in Real Life.Never Trust a Trailer: From some trailers, one might assume this is a comedy.Inherited Illiteracy Title: Happyness is on a day-care mural.Good Parent: Chris is an extremely devoted and loving father.Empathy Doll Shot: Something similar is done with a Captain America action figure.Earn Your Happy Ending: "maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it" - but then again, maybe we can.The film ends with a Happy Ending implying everything will be alright from now on. Broken Aesop: Halfway through, Chris makes quite a good observation that you can only pursue happiness, and expecting to actually have it for more than a brief moment at a time is an illusion.This seems to have been done intentionally to avoid a PG rating.

pursuit of happiness song wiji

  • Avoid the Dreaded G Rating: The opening scene with the "happyness" graffiti has the word "fuck" clearly seen spray-painted on the wall.
  • Arc Words: "This part of my life is called.".
  • Alternative Foreign Theme Song: The Japanese version uses "Shiawase no Chakira" as its theme song.
  • Adaptation Distillation: From Christopher Gardner's autobiography of the same name, which encompasses a larger swathe of his life.
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  • The Hippodrome Sphendone provides population, happiness and produces coins in 24 hours. 46 Avatars 6 Gifs 2 438 0 0 Tower of God.

    pursuit of happiness song wiji

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    Pursuit of happiness song wiji